Charter for

The following is the charter for the newsgroup which was posted to that newsgroup on March 1, 1996:

This is the initial charter for the newsgroup
as issued in the newgroup message.

Richard Letts                               
---------------------------------------------------------------------------        for the discussion of weather events

   This grouup is essentially for the discussion of daily weather
   events, chiefly affecting the UK and adjacent parts of Europe, both
   past and predicted. The discussion is open to all, but contributions
   on a practical scientific level are encouraged. It may also contain
   postings of observations during interesting weather episodes. The
   group is expected to be patronised by both amateurs and professionals
   (including academics), but it is primarily for weather enthusiasts
   rather than research scientists.  Any discussion of climate issues
   should be from a scientific standpoint and not a political (or
   environmental-activist) one.

   Short (less than 20 lines, including heading) announcements of events
   relevant to readers are permitted; blatant off-topic and commerical
   advertising is not.

   Binaries are not permitted in this group, but references to
   FTP-able material and Web URLs are welcomed.

   Philip Eden

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