Weather Newsgroups, FAQs & Charters

Newsgroups can usually be subscribed to via ones ISP or alternatively accessed directly via the links below

Newsgroup: sci.geo.meteorology (updated on 22nd August 2008)
     – for discussion of matters meteorological, with an academic - scientific bias (U.S. dominated).
     – This link to the Newsgroup is via Google Groups but the group can also be accessed in the normal way through ones' ISP.

Heating & Cooling degree day data  (added on 21st August 2008)
     – a site for house owners and others interested in saving energy and heating costs (includes data for thousands of weather stations world-wide)

Weather Forum: Midlands weather (added on 21st August 2008)
      (Although main title is Midlands Weather it does include topics relating to weather in general)

Weather Forum: UKweatherworld
      – discussion forum – mainly UK weather but not exclusively, for professionals and novices, many useful links,
          free registration required to participate in the forums.

This page updated: 4th September 2008
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